Formal notice of the Annual General Meeting of the British Sleep Society
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the British Sleep Society will be held via remote videoconference (online) on Friday 5th November at 17.15. The meeting will be held for the following purposes:
- to approve the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of the Society
- to receive and consider the Accounts of the Society
- to hear from and consider the election of new members of the Executive Committee*
- to consider changes to the Society’s Constitution
- to transact any other business of the Society
This meeting is open only to members of the Society.
Quorum = 10 (members).
The Chair of the AGM should be the President of the Society and, if he/she is unable to attend, then the Executive Board should elect one of their number to be Chair of the AGM.
Every member has the right to attend, speak and vote.
The President has the right to speak and vote.
All members of the Executive Board have a right to attend, speak and vote.
* If you are unable to attend the AGM in person but would like to register your vote for a candidate, postal ballots will be accepted. If you would like a postal ballot, please email Postal ballots must be received by 31st October 2021.