Brighton Sleep 2017
With keynote talks from:
Professor Franco Cappuccio, University of warwick: ‘Healthy Sleep’
Dr Jason Rihel, University College London: 'What can we learn by studying sleep in zebrafish'
Dr Claire Sexton, Oxford University: 'What can we learn by studying sleep in humans'
Professor Susan Redline, Harvard University: 'Multi Centre Slep Trails - What have we learned so far?'
Dr Hui-Leng Tan, Royal Brompton Hospital: 'Biological mechanisma and novel biomarkers for OSAS in Children'
Professor Morten Kringelbach, Oxford University: 'Pleasure, Pain and Sleep'
Dr Kristen Knutson, University of Chicago, USA: 'Sleep and Cardiometabolic Health'
Award Winners
Young Investigator – Wioleta Kowalska
Best Paediatric Poster – Rosamaria Lecca
Best Clinical Poster – A. Gaur
Best Research Poster – Boon Lim
Lyn Davies Award – Emily Watson-Thoday