Please see below details from the Birmingham Sleep 2019 Conference.
Colin Sullivan Award
Dr Culadeeban Ratneswaran
P052 Electrical stimulation as a therapeutic approach in obstructive sleep apnoea – a systematic review and meta-analysis
Lyn Davies Award
Felipe Beijamini
Best Clinical Poster
Bahn Agha
Best Scientific Poster
Francesc Xavier Gomez-Olive
P058 Associations between sleep parameters, non-communicable diseases, HIV status and medications in older, rural south africans
Best Paediatric Poster
Ruth Kingshott
P015 Sleep-related problems in children with osteogenesis imperfecta
Best Exhibitor Stall
Hope 2 Sleep

Submitted Abstracts
To view the submitted abstracts, click here
Keynote talks
Day 1: We had a packed programme featuring keynote sessions from Dr Andrew Wood on 'Using wearable devices and genetics to estimate and validate mechanisms of sleep' and Professor Emmanuel Mignot on 'Narcolepsy from research to clinical'.
Day one closed with a welcome reception and moderated poster session which everyone was welcome to attend.
Day 2: Included keynote addresses from Professor Emmanuel Mignot from Stanford University, USA on 'The future of Sleep Medicine' and Professor Debra Skene on 'Metabolomics in Sleep Research', as well at the Paediatric keynote by Professor Monique LeBourgeois from the University of Colorado, USA on 'Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Early Childhood: A Goodness of Fit Perspective' .
Day two featured the BSS GM, and of course the BSS Conference Dinner and awards.
Day 3: The final day saw a 'keynote combo' by Professor Gregory Lip, University of Liverpool on 'Sleep, OSA and AF: where are we now?' and Professor Matthew Naughton from Melbourne, Australia on 'Sleep disordered breathing in Heart Failure: Chicken Soup or Chicken and Egg?'