The BSS Sleep 2023 conference was held at The Queens Hotel, Leeds on 2nd - 4th October 2023.
Conference feedback forms will be sent out shortly following which we will issue your certificate of attendance.
Thank you to our conference chairs and speakers.
Abstract/ Poster Awards
The BSS are pleased to announce the following poster/ abstract awards:
Best Clinical Poster
Dr Helen Strongman
Best Scientific Poster
Professor John Groeger
Best Paediatric Poster
Meg Ruecroft
Best Dental Poster
Dr Harishri Tallamraju
Best Oral Presentation
Emily Stanyer
Lyn Davies Award
Alice Lester
Green Ribbon Award for Best Neurological Poster
Sue Cross
Green Ribbon Award for Best Psychiatry Poster
Dr Holly Austin
Green Ribbon Award for Best Respiratory Poster
Dr Tom Chambers
Green Ribbon Award for Best Other Themed Poster
Katrina Burrows
Colin Sullivan Award
Congratulations to Emily Stanyer who was awarded the Colin Sullivan award for best Research proposal.
Travel Bursaries
The BSS are pleased to announce 11 travel bursaries were awarded.
They were awarded to:
Andrew Chai
Jonathan Crawford
Xioahua Crewell
Thomas Chambers
Ahmed Almaghrabi
Jessica Pateman
Abdulaziz Alsharifi
Emily Stanyer
Abdullatif Alhuzaim
Emma Gale
Stephanie McCrory
Exhibitors/ Sponsors
Thank you to our BSS Sleep 2023 sponsors
Platinum Sponsor
Idorsia Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Bioprojet UK Ltd
S-Med Ltd
Bronze Sponsors
Sefam Medical Ltd
Zoll Itamar
Inspire Medical Systems
Loewenstein Medical UK
Nowus Healthcare
Oxford Online Programme
Panthera Dental
ProSomnus Sleep Technologies
Signifier Medical Technologies
Spire Medical
Stowood Scientific Instruments Ltd