Applications are now closed
The BSS appreciates that the ‘Cost of Living’ crisis affects potentially interested participants and may deter from registration. To allow those affected and unable to attend without substantial support the BSS have made available five places (of up to £950) for prospective delegates.
Applications will be considered from the whole multiprofessional team but we are particularly keen to support more junior members and those in lower pay grades.
BSS reserves the right to close the application date early.
Terms and Conditions
1. Hardship funds are available to British Sleep Society members only.
2. Retrospective applications will not be considered.
3. Funding is awarded at the discretion of the BSS and the treasurer’s decision is final.
4. Applicants will be responsible for their own arrangements for study leave from their trust / hospital / department and confirmation of this should be included with the application.
5. Grants can cover the full costs of the proposed activity. Applicants who receive support from other sources that meets their costs in part or in full are required to inform the BSS Office of the amount(s) as soon as possible.
6. The maximum award available is £950 per person.
7. The award, up to £950 will be credited upon receipt of the written article and evidence of attendance of the ISMC.
8. If you are unable to attend the course, no monies will be paid out even if you have already paid for travel, accommodation etc
9. Awardees will be expected to enter a report into the BSS Newsletter after the course.
10. Applications will be considered from the whole multiprofessional team but we are particularly keen to support more junior members and those in lower pay grades