RSM / BSS / BSDSM Symposium

The Sleep Symposium will bring together a multidisciplinary range of specialists to address the patient with underlying sleep disorders.

The meeting will commence with a focus on diagnosis and therapy of sleep apnoea, followed by non-respiratory topics covering clinical hypersomnias and the treatment of insomnia. By the end of the meeting participants will have been updated and introduced to the standard of care on the latest use of oral appliance therapies. The meeting will also cover the delivery of the NHS England ‘Optimal Sleep Pathway’.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide an update on the national and international treatment guidelines of obstructive sleep apnoea, identification of respiratory and multidisciplinary aspects of patients with sleep disorders and exploring the pathway delivery of NHS England optimal sleep pathway.

Benefits of attending:

  • Learn about the standard diagnostics and therapeutics of obstructive sleep apnoea
  • Know the current guidelines on non-CPAP therapies
  • Find out about the new NHS England ‘Optimal Sleep Pathway’
  • Understand the multidisciplinary nature of patients with sleep disorders
  • Hear the latest update on treatment with oral appliance therapies

Early bird pricing available until 26 April 2023.
