Sleep Survey for Medical Trainees, SSMT
This is a survey to understand sleep in the context of medical trainees (on call) and the participants knowledge about the relevance of sleep, shiftwork, and the impact that sleep may have on their working performance. The survey has been developed by sleep experts from America, Europe, and Africa, in collaboration with the World Sleep Society. This survey will be available during the following period (02/2025-03/2025). It should take you about 30-40 minutes to complete.
The survey will focus on three different aspects, complemented by two standard questionnaires:
1) Demographics and Place of Work
2) Basic Knowledge and Perception of Sleep
3) Sleep Routine
4) Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Insomnia Sleep Index
By completing the survey you provide consent to process the data according to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and give permission for the named parties (see below) to analyse the data and publish in a peer-reviewed journal of sleep medicine / present data and results at educational events and conferences. Participation can be stopped at any time and you may want to fill in only some questions, while leaving others open. Ethical approval has been granted by King’s College London ethics committee (registration number MRA-23/24-45277). Subsequently, the survey has been registered on (NCT06706453). It is anticipated that the results of the survey will inform local employers, medical schools and universities, as well as national policymakers and international collaborative networks. The results of the survey will be published in a peer-reviewed journal of sleep medicine.