Update on RCCP and AHCS
The Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists (RCCP) and the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) have been discussing joint working for the last 2 years.
A number of options have been discussed and at the RCCP Council meeting on 19/6/17 it was agreed by a majority to continue discussions with the AHCS and to pursue an RCCP application to the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) to accredit its register.
For more information, please contact RCCP Chief Executive Paul Sharpe or RCCP Chair Trefor Watts
BSS Position on RCCP/ AHCS Merge
Current Position – BSS (proposed)
The impact of the proposed changes to the current registration procedures for Clinical Physiologists / Clinical Physiology in the UK is currently unclear and in dire need of clarification by the principal stakeholders in this process.
Given the changing political environment and moves towards statutory regulation of clinical physiology in the UK, makes the current impasse perplexing. This helps no one and should not be used for any political gain. This is further diluted when a primary objective of all governing bodies must be the effective validation of the skills of practicing physiologists together with patient safety.
To that end, the BSS is not beholden to any specific option and is prepared to support the majority opinion. However, we (The BSS) feel that the perceived agenda does not support the ongoing needs of current and future registrants. Therefore, the BSS is in agreement with position of our colleagues in the ARTP, to assume a “watching brief”, in regard of any alternative proposals generated.